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February 15, 2012
Regular Meeting
February 15, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

E. Princeton Village Forum Presentation
Rick introduced the presentation by talking about the historic feel of a village and how current zoning is not conducive to having a quaint village area.   Several residents of the area were present.

Mark reviewed the results of the questionnaire. Main themes include:
  • Enjoy the current village feel and personality of the area
  • Concern over condition of Mechanics Hall
  • Desire is to preserve Mechanics Hall, what zoning might be required to accomplish
  • Keep commercial area
  • Home businesses should be permissible
Mark suggests bringing back the E. Princeton Village Committee. Current bylaws impacting the area include Home Occupation, Area, Yard & Height, Accessory Apartment, & Business District.

Tom reported that the Underutilized Town Assets Committee reviewed studies of Mechanics Hall dating back 20 years.  There is no town need for the building and no funds to revitalize. There are limitations relative to septic, well, and parking. The estimated cost to repair and bring up to code is between $500,000 to 700,000. Possible solutions include having an advocate or a “Friends of Mechanics Hall” group willing to raise the necessary funds.

Mickey Splain of the Road Advisory Committee talked about ideas reviewed by the Route 140 Improvement Task Force. Dennis Rindone was the champion of project which was modeled after the Route 2 safety improvements. Community priorities include improved safety of the historic district, replace bridge, and install sidewalk and traffic calming features. Mickey noted the Road Advisory Committee will pursue the funding.

John Mirick led the discussion to create a wish list for the area. Ideas include:
  • Extend business district to include Mechanics Hall
  • Mixed use/overlay in business district
  • Increase parking for Mechanics Hall
  • Create a post office satellite business
  • Install central parking lot for residents
  • Turn Mechanics Hall into a café/museum about E. Princeton
  • Concert hall upstairs from Mechanics Hall
Mixed use activities – allow for home business; general consensus residents are not receptive to the idea
Develop a bylaw for design standards
  • Local historical districts zoning; currently no restrictions on zoning
  • Install old fashioned street lamps
  • In conjunction with Route 140 improvements install underground utilities, improve sidewalks, traffic control, make 140 a one way street, clear land near road to allow a view of onion patch park
  • Sawyer field is underutilized, run down and needs care. Parks & Rec Director Shanahan sent a note to Rick,  they are open to ideas  for improvement
  • Boundaries need to be defined
John noted the desire is to develop a bylaw that people in area approve of and also be mindful of the future. The board will work on a zoning proposal.
The board thanked residents for their feedback.   

Other Business
Tom moved to approve the cost for printing and mailing flyers for up to $300. John seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Tom moved to approve $50 for Jerry to attend the Citizens Planning seminar on March 17. John seconded. All in favor (5-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant


Rough Summary of Notes from Flip Chart
John Mirick
Business District
Support of Mixed Use Concept through Special Permit
        Design criteria?
Support to Extend Business District to Include Mechanics Hall
        Increases options
        If sold, requirement to maintain facade
No support for Mixed Use
Interest (support?) in Historic District Zoning
        Encourage vs Mandatory?
Village should include
Some of Rt 31 southerly from intersection
Further easterly on Route 140
Some of Leominster Road
Sawyer Field needs better support/maintenance
Underground Utility Lines as part of Route 140 Reconstruction
Sidewalk (northerly side) as part of Route 140 Reconstruction
Traffic Control – Slow it down!!!!
        Speed bumps?
        Reduced speed limit and enforcement

Ideas that never got much traction
        Mini-post office in Mechanics Hall
        Town buys ranch house next to Mechanics Hall
        Parking lots for village residents
        Café in Mechanics Hall
        Museum in Mechanics Hall
        As part of Route 140 improvements, use Onion Patch frontage as a park